Explore overseas teaching opportunities in paradise! Asia Pacific International School Hawaii (APIS Hawaii) is the campus of the West of Asia Pacific International School’s (APIS) global network, while the campus of the East, APIS Seoul, rests in the heart of Korea. Founded in 2007, APIS Hawaii boasts a rigorous project-based learning academic environment, internship programs, and post-AP college courses and offers boarding for students Grades 5–8. The Christian, faith-based school says,
APIS strives to provide a truly loving and caring environment. Students from all religious and cultural backgrounds will be nurtured to achieve the highest possible level of intellectual and personal development.

Set on 97-acres in the rural setting of the North Shore of Oahu, APIS Hawaii nestles against an emerald green mountain that overlooks the Pacific Ocean. Students explore its abundant natural resources while learning about cultural heritage, environment, and a sustainable future.<
Fully accredited by the Western Association of Colleges and Schools, APIS Hawaii currently enrolls 117 pre-K through Grade 12 students, 87 of whom are Hawaiian. The teaching staff of 22 includes 19 educators from Hawaii. The school delivers the U.S. Common Core and WIDA curricula. Project-based learning is at the heart of all core and elective courses. Students identify real-world problems, speak with experts, develop and exhibit solutions.

APIS Hawaii’s Extended Learning Program provides myriad on and off-campus activities. Fascinating choices for academic enrichment include agriculture, robotics, Aquaponics, sea turtle conservation, fishing, MathCounts, camping, Science Olympiad, Hawaiian Culture and History, Model United Nations, and Global Issues. Recreational athletics comprise yoga, snorkeling, aerobics, horseback riding, dance, golf, hiking, swimming, and surfing. Those interested in the arts can enjoy piano, guitar, band, dance, or theatre; or practice drawing, painting, printmaking, origami, knitting, ceramics, or digital video and imaging. Finally, there those who gather for Worship.
Students may also reap the benefits of leadership and service initiatives, such as Community Conservation and Restoration, Student Representative Council (SRC), Investment and Entrepreneurship Clubs, Student-Initiated Leadership and Service-Learning Projects, and more.

APIS Hawaii hires teachers of diverse profiles wishing to teach abroad, including married couples with non-teaching spouses, newly-certified candidates, and seasoned teachers without certification. They will also consider interns. Teachers need not hold an academic degree in the subject they will be teaching, and there is no age limit to obtain a work visa.
The overseas teaching benefits package includes allowances for moving, housing, furniture and airfare at the start and end of each contract. Full tuition is covered for all dependents, excluding additional fees. Additional bonuses include a school meal subsidy and professional development support. Worldwide health insurance, including dental, life, and long-term disability, is fully covered. There are local employment opportunities for non-teaching spouses.

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Please note: The information presented about this school was valid on the date published. This information may change, and the most up-to-date information can be found on the school profile.