You need to be pro-active with your job search! 


The daily bulletins you receive via email, list all new positions as they arise. You can filter this to match just your job preferences, using the email preferences on your dashboard. You can apply directly for these positions from your email account.

Alternatively, log into your dashboard using your username and password.  Then click on the prompt called, ”My Job Search”.  Enter your parameters – less parameter’s entered will net a larger search; more parameters will narrow the search down. You can also search for matching vacancies by clicking ‘View all jobs matching your interests’ at the bottom right corner of the Search page.


Once you see a list of schools, open any of interest to review their school profile. 

Then click on the job, which will then open the job description – this could be a short or long blurb, or a PDF attachment.

IMPORTANT: Before you send an application! Each school has hiring policies which are influenced by their host country’s visa requirements. Please read the schools hiring policy carefully, in particular the EXPERIENCE/CERTIFICATION/EDUCATION/VISA section. These are usually non-negotiable, and if you do not qualify, you will be wasting your time and the recruiter’s time. 

When you find a school with a potential match, there are 2 recommended ways to apply for positions.

  1. If the school is using APLi, just click the APLi button. Follow the instructions, answer a few pre-qualifying questions, and submit. If the application deadline has passed, do NOT email the school separately to apply. Schools using APLi have made it very clear that they do not want to receive emails from candidates regarding positions they have posted through APLi.  If the school has a vacancy listed through APLi, please ONLY contact the school through the yellow “APLi Now’ button. DO NOT also email the school about your interest in the same vacancy. This creates double work for the school.
  2. For non-APLi schools, in the job description, click the blue “Contact School” button. A message window will pop up and this is where you will write your email application. No attachments required. The school will receive a link to your Search profile imbedded in your message. If you are interested in more than one position in the same school, you need to submit a separate email for each position (this is because schools can filter applications by position).


Do NOT wait until the last day to submit your application! Always give yourself a 1-2 day grace period (allowing for time zone differences, unexpected IT issues, etc). If the APLi application deadline has passed, do NOT email the school separately to apply. Schools using APLi have made it very clear that they do not want to receive emails from candidates.


Teaching Couples

If the school is using APLi, you both need to apply separately.

If the school is not using APLi,  send your applications separately, but in your cover letter note that your spouse/partner is also a registered Search candidate that has applied to XXXXX vacancy at the school as well.

Cover Letter/Email

Your message should be like a mini cover letter – 3-4 short paragraphs MAX. Keep your messages to schools short and simple, as recruiters do not have time to pour over lengthy letters. Your goal is to direct them to your Search profile on the website, where they can also see your information and confidential evaluations. Make sure you have done your research on the schools to which you are applying.

As a professional courtesy, address your email to the Head of School. This information is on the school’s Search webpage. Do not use “To whom it may concern”. 

  • 1st paragraph: brief introduction and express interest in the job/school. 
  • 2nd paragraph: your qualifications and recent teaching experience/highlights, as it pertains to the job
  • 3rd paragraph: why you are interested in this job, this school, why you think you are a good fit. 
  • 4th paragraph: Thank you for your consideration, please review my Search profile, and ask for an interview.

Do not compose a long, formal cover letter! On the other hand, do not send a short message either (“I am interested in this job, please review my Search profile. Thank you.”) 

Once you have a good email template, you will be able to apply to many schools with moderate effort. We recommend that you apply for many positions in many schools in different regions of the world – in other words, cast a wide net!

When the school receives this inquiry it will come from “Search Associates” so they know you are an Active candidate. A direct link to your Search profile will be embedded in your message, so schools can easily access your full profile including your confidential references. The subject of the message will automatically be filled in to clearly identify which vacancy the email pertains to and cannot be changed.

We strongly encourage you to contact schools this way, as the email that it generates will automatically link schools to your profile and alert them that you are an Active Search candidate. It also helps differentiate your application from the numerous, often less qualified applications.

If you choose not to send them through your dashboard, we always appreciate if you would cc us on your email (, so that we have an idea where your interests lie. We may also have a personal connection with the recruiter, and so can advocate on your behalf.


As a professional courtesy, please respond, even if you are NOT interested.

What to expect? Will schools respond to my applications?

If you applied via APLi, you can be assured your application was received.

If you applied via email, every school is different regarding how/when they reply. 

  • Some schools have an auto-reply so at least you know your application was received.
  • Others will only contact you if they are interested in following up with your application.
  • Others will have someone personally respond and thank you for your application.
  • Some will wait until the application deadline, others will respond as applications come in.

Unfortunately, there are many schools that will not respond at all, and this can be very frustrating. Every school has a different process. In general, a school will respond if they are interested in your candidacy and/or would like to schedule an interview.

Our suggested approach is to email the school firstly through our system. In 1-2 week’s time, and if you a) do not get a response or b) do not get an automated response, please email through your own email provider, putting in the subject heading “Search Associates candidate for XX position) and resend your inquiry.


Many schools are receiving an overwhelming number of emails regarding open vacancies. The result is many of our schools are having a difficult time managing the high number of inquiries from educators around the globe. The answer, for some, was to begin directing candidates to complete an online application either through their school website or through a particular application management system they may be using.

In response to this trend, Search Associates has our own application management system specifically for our member schools – “APli by Search Associates”. This system helps our schools better manage applications for their vacancies, in one location, and also provides powerful management and screening tools to make their recruiting more efficient and seamless. 

  • The profile and confidential references on APLi are exactly the same as on
  •  Search Associates candidates who complete an application through APLi will automatically and seamlessly have their profile information transferred over including confidential references.
  • Once your profile is copied to APLi, Search Associates candidates will only need to answer questions schools have created specifically to the vacancy or school application requirements.
  • All Search Associates candidates, who submit an application through APLi will have their application prominently highlighted to schools indicating they are a Search Associates member candidate who has been thoroughly vetted.
  • Search Associates candidates will be able to submit applications on APLI faster and easier as our candidates will be alerted of the vacancies posted on APLi immediately through our daily email updates, as well as directly on the school profile vacancy section.

How do you know if a school is using APLi?

  • If a school is using APLi a new orange “APLiNow” button will show next to the vacancy on their school profile page as well as a “Click here to APLI ” on the daily email updates. You can simply click the button and you will be taken immediately over to the APLi website.
  •  Once on APLi, you will be asked if you are a registered Search Associates candidate. Once you select “Yes”, you will be asked to enter your login credentials which are the same as your email and password. After you login, all of your profile information will be copied over, including your confidential references, so you can easily and quickly submit an application for that vacancy.
  • Note: You will need to monitor your submitted application(s) directly on APLi. You will also receive updates from APLi any time a vacancy, for which you have submitted an application, has changed and/or the school has changed the status of your application.
  • You only have to create your account on APLi and copy over your information one time. After this, you can submit applications for any other vacancies listed on APLi very quickly and by only answering questions schools have created for that vacancy, if applicable.
  • NOTE: Any changes or edits to your profile information must be done on and will automatically update your profile information on APLi.